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    Invoice forwarding via email

    403 0 Created on 2018-09-07 14:51:28; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:49

    The following walkthrough describes how to:
    • Retrieve the email unique to your Tradeshift Supplier account and the specific customer
    • Forward an invoice to Tradeshift using a unique email address in preparation for validation.
    Step 1) To retrieve the unique email, navigate to the specific customer in your Network, and click the three dots on the right:


    Step 2) Go to “View company details”:


    Step 3) Here you will find the email unique to yourself as supplier of this specific customer: 


    Step 4) Using your email software, input the unique Tradeshift email related to your customer, attach your invoice or invoices (you can attach >1 at one time) and click “send”
    Important note:
    If you want to add attachments to your invoice/credit note, this is done in Tradeshift, before sending the document. Please see the following guidelines for more information.
    Step 6) After a short while, you will receive an email in return informing you that your invoice is ready for validation. Click on the green button:


    Step 7) You are now ready to review and validate the invoice.
    Step 8) Please see the following guidelines on the invoice validation process.

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